Wednesday, 13 November 2013

loveLife Generation hosts OUT - A Training Course in Outdoor Education

Half term in October when everyone else was taking a break we were hard at work organising and facilitating OUT - a pan European training course focusing on inspiring youth leaders to use outdoor education for young people's development. 
30 youth workers from 10 nations came together to explore, experience and appreciate the outdoor classroom and learn how we can use what is around us to build capacity and overcome challenges both individually and in a team. 

This training programme was funded by the EU's Youth In Action programme, managed by the British Council and delivered at Fairplay House Outdoor Education Centre in Essex. The truly international flavour was reflected by the training team from Greece and the UK with participants came from Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Portugual, Romania, Spain, Slovakia  and the UK.

The first two days covered theoretical concepts including the philosophy and history of outdoor education, its application for overcoming physical/ mental challenges for personal development and team building, stages of group work and leadership processes. This was followed by another two days outdoor exercises to experience and examine leadership styles with regard to programme design and delivery. Night exercises added to the learning by demonstrating how simple techniques with minimum resources could be used for enhancing good practice. 

Four days in with everyone exhausted it was time for some culture around London and shopping!!! Then it was back to work for the final 2 days, planning how the learning could be applied at a local/ European level with participants discussing their own initiatives and potential joint ventures for the future. 
Ideas for projects were shared along with current information available about future funding processes. Evaluations done, youth passes achieved and friendships cemented it was finally time to go...til we meet again.