that winter is approaching we have joined forces with Hand Made Hats (says it
in their name) so that whilst they can help you wrap up warm with hand knitted
hats and scarves, the loveLife Generation can keep your insides nice and warm
too with our range of Winter Warmers.
We have
teamed up with qualified herbalists who have shown the young people at loveLife
how to create natural products that will keep the chill at bay. These include
lip balm, winter tea and bath salts.
fabulous winter products are all natural and do not have to cost you an arm and
a leg - no - we have learnt the wonders of natural ingredients that can be
found in our very own back garden!!!
We are
hoping to sell these products in local markets and to families and friends
whilst the young people gain some invaluable business skills. Look out for the
loveLife Generation's Winter Warmers. Young Person's Persepctive
This weekend loveLife generation took to Forest Gate's Christmas market. We were finally putting on sale handmade natural products that the young people had been learning and making over the last few weeks.
Some of the most popular products were the Lip Balms & the Candles. After the people had tried a little bit of the Herbal Tea, they couldn't resist and they were soon flying off the table.
Some people converted to tea lovers after they insisted that they only drank coffee.
Having never had to sell anything in the past especially in the cold, it was a really good feeling seeing people buy the products which we had made.
This was a Winter Warmers special but I am looking forward to the Summer cooler special.
If I had the choice to do this again (in the summer) by jolly I would!
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