loveLife Generation trainers, Jas and Rukiyah, delivered an innovative training in partnership
with Swedish partners Moves 4 Ideas. The training was aimed at those who work within
communities and young people and participants came from Spain, Belguim, Sweden and
the UK.
See below what UK participant Stephen Ihme had to say about the training course.
Training Review
Moves 4 Innovative Ideas was a training course looking at facilitation techniques
when working with various groups of people. It looked at areas around
inclusion, motivation, team building, and target planning. I have had the
opportunity to attend and organisation several EU training courses, all under
when working with various groups of people. It looked at areas around
inclusion, motivation, team building, and target planning. I have had the
opportunity to attend and organisation several EU training courses, all under
the Youth In Action programme, which will change to Eurasmus + (link here)
. This post is a training
. This post is a training
review, providing an overview of programme and how it was delivered.
Moves 4 Innovative Ideas
18th – 27th June 2014
It was based just outside the small Swedish town of Mariannelund, on part of Lake Asjon. A beautifully
serene and calming area surrounded by a thick tall tree forest. The training happened in a family built
cabin on one side of the lake opposite a camp site which housed many of the participants. This meant
that participants were able to enjoy a short walk around the lake when coming to and from the daily
activities. A short video of the walk is on youtube.
Facilitation and Organisation
The training was organised by Moves4Ideas, a Swedish based community group. Funded by the
European Union youth in action programme, M4I brought in loveLife Generation from the UK to facilitate
the training. loveLife Generation have been long-term community partners of mine and it was a fantastic
opportunity to experience their training from a participants point of view.

Physical representations of our hopes and fears.

What do you read from this line of letters?
Overall the training course was noticeably different from previous ones I have attended, or organised.
Noticeable for the small number of participants, 15 was the maximum number at any one time. This
meant that I was able to spend more time getting to know individual people. Giving me the opportunity
to get to know people better, and build stronger relationships.
The organisers made great use of the surrounding area and community in the programme. Giving me
the opportunity to really experience the local culture. The programme was loose enough to allow for
both sudden changes, and for participant lead activities to be planned and acted on. This provided
a sense of ownership that normally only comes when you organise a training course like this.
The facilitation by loveLife Generation was typically active and emotive. It provided an encouraging
and comforting environment, so when participants were asked to step outside their comfort zone,
by acting as animals for example. You felt empowered to engage in the activities. Facilitation was
the buzz word, and leadership was a prominent element of the training programme.
A unique setting, with a small group of people, all exploring the ideas and practises of leadership
made for a visual and sensual explosion. The training was educating and thought provoking, whilst
always being fun and enjoyable. Overall, it was a memorable ten days that provided me with some
excellent tools for tutoring, or facilitating training courses in the future. Congratulations and thanks
should go to both Moves4Ideas, and Sofia Jagbrant for organising the training course, and to loveLife
Generation (website link) for the training.
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