very easily. This was a very good skill to learn because there is times in life when you have to work with people you're not particularly close with.
One of the best parts of the experience for me was meeting the two loveLife Generation trainers who were training us. Their names are Jasmine and Rukiyah. They both did such an amazing job at teaching us and keeping us entertained at the same time. I couldn't ask for better trainers because we had so much fun with them. They taught us all the skills we needed to know to become a good mentor and there was not one point in which I got bored at the sessions. We learnt so many skills that we would need in everyday life aswell and it was all down to the trainers. I'll forever be thankful for everything they taught me.
I was always happy to go to the sessions because it took my mind off of the stress from school and it kept me relaxed throughout as there was always laughter going around the room.
We learnt things like how to react in certain situations and how to reply in a certain way so that the mentee doesn't feel like they're being judged. We also learnt how to make people feel comfortable and how to get them to open up to you. The course also taught us boundaries and relationships that will be made with the mentee so that we known exactly where we stand with them.
Mentoring was an amazing experience and I do recommend it to whoever's interested.
-By Nikita-Jade Mossman
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